Best guesses place the Wii U’s release at mid-2012. Meanwhile, third party support for the Wii has dried up, and Nintendo has only Skyward Sword lined up for hardcore gamers on their current home console.
Imagine that: a video game system with only one game worth buying for an entire year. Sounds like a corporate nightmare, right? Well, the truth is that this drought is self-imposed by Nintendo of America themselves.
As I discussed in my recent piece, “Nintendrought: The Wii Games North America is Never Getting,” Nintendo has plenty of games for hungry North American Wii owners, they just can’t be bothered to release them.
Recent, critically acclaimed Wii titles Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower currently sit as Japan and/or Europe only without explanation from Nintendo. These games join the ranks of older Wii games developed and/or published by Nintendo Zangeki no Reginleiv, Fatal Frame IV, and Disaster: Day of Crisis which never got releases over here either.
Frankly, the absence of these games is an insult to Wii owners who expect their consoles to be supported by the company that made them. It’s also an insult to the Wii itself, with the historic system seemingly being left to wither on the vine for an entire year while its predecessor is readied.
Well, I’m here to tell you that there is no need to take this insult lying down. You and I can tell Nintendo of America exactly how we feel about this situation, and perhaps convince them that there is an audience for these games, ready to shell out the cash for hardcore games if they would only be offered to us.
The easiest ways to get hold of Nintendo of America are probably through their Twitter and Facebook pages. The company also has YouTube channels which you can leave messages on. These methods are great because they are public, and the more visible this protest is, the more likely Nintendo is to respond.
Don’t stop there, though. Nintendo helpfully provides a whole host of methods to contact them directly. In the most relevant fashion: this feedback form for general comments and questions.
Additionally, you can take to your Club Nintendo account and let the company know how you feel about the absence of Wii games when you fill out surveys. Somebody must be looking at that consumer data.
Spread the word across forums, blogs, and social networking sites.
We need to let our voices be heard. It’s time to complain. Complain until they have to listen. Complain until this is a scandal of deafening proportions. We must demand the respect that we as customers deserve.